Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dress Success

Katie saw a dress on a music video that she really liked and it made her want to try sewing one of her own. So, for one of her goals in Young Women's this is what we made together. It is actually cuter in person and she gets tons of compliments whenever she wears it. One stranger stopped her in the halls at church, asked her where she got the dress and when she told her she made it, she asked if she would make one for her daughter. Katie declined--one sewing project a year is enough for her! I'm just glad she is actually happy to wear it.


  1. It is WAY cute. I saw it yesterday morning and was so impressed. I would love to attempt to make that... how long did it take?!

  2. So cute and fun that you made it together. I made one for young women's when I was in high school and still have it. Although it was the one and only. I haven't attempted another one since.
