Thursday, December 2, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Bateman Family
Merry Christmas Letter
December 2010

Mike and I feel very blessed with 6 wonderful children who are productive and happy and following their dreams. Hard to believe that half of our children are grown and gone. Besides a busy family practice, Mike is still involved with University of Puget Sound's athletic teams. He teaches the Priests quorum (16-18 year old young men) on Sunday's and weekly activity nights. I enjoy walking with friends, book club reading, and try to keep the household running smoothly. I'm also taking a refresher course to get my RN license updated. We are headed to Las Vegas for an old fashioned Danish Christmas and we are excited to spend time with our Bateman Family.

Preston, 6:

My school is called University Place Primary. I am in 1st grade and I like to play sports like baseball and soccer and flag football. Math is my favorite subject because I love numbers! I do not enjoy the library because it gets boring. The Curtis Vikings are a good football team because they won soooo much games that leaded them to go to the state playoffs. They are 4th in the state 4A rankings. I like to call Christian at college. Merry Christmas!

Hannah, 11:

6th grade has been lots of work! I'm getting used to staying up late to finish up my homework. I am looking forward to turning twelve in February because I will be in Young Womens at church. I enjoy singing. I have been in Narrows View Advanced Choir this year and participated in a children's choir for my stake. My soccer team's season just ended this past Saturday, I play defense. Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!

Katie, 15:
(...I dont like pictures.)

In the spring, I played water polo (2nd in varsity state tournament). The highlights of summer: efy, stanford swim camp, girls camp, youth conference, trips to "the island" and swimming hole, and metro swim team at 6 outdoors every morning... Besides the homework load, I am loving the high school life this Fall. I start Puget Sound Polo this winter in preparation for my school's spring season. I continue to play the piano (and organ) for my church and for fun. It really is a wonderful life! Merry Christmas.

Christian, 18:

I finished up high school! Had a great summer working, and now I'm at BYU. I love it and love the atmosphere and have made a lot of really good friends. I'm looking forward to turning in my mission papers in January! I'll be finishing up my second semester at BYU and leave hopefully soon after. Life just gets better and better each day.

Emily, 21:

I am is currently serving on Temple Square in Salt Lake City as a missionary and having a fabulous time. I give tours to those who visit the square and bear testimony daily about the gospel of Jesus Christ. During the holidays I have been directing the Missionary Christmas choir. Each week is a new adventure! I meet people from all over the world. And the other sisters I serve with are from all over the world as well. I love spreading the good news of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ!

From Bethany and Sean Cudahy, Newlyweds:
This has been a big year for me! Sean and I were married on August 13th, and then went on a wonderful honeymoon trip to Costa Rica. We're now in school together, living at married student housing at BYU, and I graduate in December. I will be looking for nursing jobs in Utah so I can work while Sean finishes up with school. He's doing prerequisites for optometry, and looking at applying to Pacific which is in Portland, Oregon. Marriage has been a wonderful adventure and we are loving this new part of life!


  1. I seriously adore your and Mike & everyone of your sweet kids!! Hope your Christmas in Vegas is fun and memorable :)
    Love you!!

  2. Fun way to do a Christmas message! You really do have a great family. We talk about what wonderful kids you have raised and are raising. You're our inspiration.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone in a week or so!
