Friday, March 25, 2011

Super Seven

Happy 7th Birthday PRESTON!!!
We take Preston and friend Jacob to the batting cages for some practice. Then have a family birthday dinner with the Whites, Jon and Angela, Logan and Landon Williams and the Betteridge cousins of course!

Preston asked for an ice cream cake and Hannah and I had a great time making it!
It was YUMMY!
Grandma Betteridge gives me some money and
I loved how she put it on the paper so I could count it.
I love numbers!

THEN, to top it all off Veronique took me and Jacob and Eliza to
Oddysey on my actual birthday!
They are the best!
It was a fun week of celebrating.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Utah wrap up

Besides a morning at Temple square and celebrating Hannah's 12th birthday--here are more pictures from our week in Utah. These pictures pretty much sum it all up.

Mike's crazy face while holding Hannah's birthday pie at Brick Oven Pizza.....

Preston with his best buddy Christian (he even was able to spend 1 night in the dorms with cool is that for a 6 year old?)
Surprising Christian at Helaman Halls.....

We watched a couple of Christian's intramural games...wallyball and intertube water polo...we loved the pink inter-tubes.
Gangster Preston...
Onion rings and Milkshakes at Stan's...Mike and I used to eat here 25 years ago and the place hasn't changed a bit.
Brick Oven Pizza......BYU FANs!

Tubing at Soldier Hollow in Heber City.
BYU Basketball!

Preston and Sean at Provo Beach Resort....
...and finally we made it home safe and sound through snow and ice in the dependable green Suburban. I love this car.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

12 and growing up

While in Utah we celebrated Hannah's 12th birthday!
First we had a girls day with pedicures, shopping....
hair trimmed and styled....
and ears pierced!!

And had a birthday dinner with the Garlocks at Brick Oven.

Hannah and Abby
Happy Happy Birthday!
We love you sweet Hannah!

Snowy Temple Square

We made a last minute decision and took a road trip to Utah---braved fog, snow and ice and large trucks which covered us with dirty snow. We were thankful to arrive safely in Salt Lake and spend a morning on Temple Square. We didn't plan on seeing Sister Bateman, but Hannah snuck away and grabbed a quick hug from her. Sister Bateman was shocked to see her almost 12 year old sister wandering alone in the North Visitors center, especially since she had no idea we were in Utah. Hannah was pretty proud of this accomplishment.

It snowed several inches and we woke up to this winter wonderland view from our hotel.
The girls and their dad loved Music and the Spoken Word in the old tabernacle.